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✅ Download Breaking Away Comedy, Drama, Sport Movie 1979 English Audio in 480p, 720p1080p. This is a Hollywood Comedy, Drama, Sport movie and is available in 480p, 720p, & 1080p qualities. This is one of the best movies based on Comedy, Drama, Sport Released on Disnye+ Hotstar. This Movie is Not available in Hindi or Dual Audio. This is Bluray Print with English Audio & English Subtitles. Click on the Download links below to proceed. is The Best Website/Platform For Bollywood And Hollywood HD Movies. We Provide Direct Google Drive Download Links For Fast And Secure Downloading. Just Click On Download Button And Follow the Steps To Download And Watch Movies Online For Free.

Breaking Away (1979)
N/A|Drama,Comedy|May 24, 1979
7.1Rating: 7.1 / 10 from 265 users
Dave, nineteen, has just graduated high school, with his three friends: the comical Cyril, the warm hearted but short-tempered Moocher, and the athletic, spiteful but good-hearted Mike. Now, Dave enjoys racing bikes and hopes to race the Italians one day, and even takes up the Italian culture, much to his friends' and parents' annoyance.

Download Breaking Away (1979) English 720p & 1080p ~

 Movie Info: 

  • Full Name: Breaking Away
  • Released: 1979
  • Duration: 1hr 41min
  • Language: English
  • Subtitle: Yes (English)
  • Size: 800MB & 2.3GB
  • Quality: 720p & 1080p – BluRay
  • Format: Mkv


Best friends Dave, Mike, Cyril and Moocher have just graduated from high school. Living in the college town of Bloomington, Indiana, they are considered “cutters”: the working class of the town so named since most of the middle aged generation, such as their parents, worked at the local limestone quarry, which is now a swimming hole. There is great animosity between the cutters and the generally wealthy Indiana University students, each group who have their own turf in town.

The dichotomy is that the limestone was used to build the university, which is now seen as being too good for the locals who built it. Although each of the four is a totally different personality from the other three, they also have in common the fact of being unfocused and unmotivated in life. The one slight exception is Dave. Although he has no job and doesn’t know what to do with his life, he is a champion bicycle racer.

He idolizes the Italian cycling team so much he pretends to be Italian, much to the chagrin of his parents, especially his used car salesman father, Ray Stoller, who just doesn’t understand his son. Dave crosses the unofficial line when he meets and wants to date a IU co-ed named Katherine Bennett, who, intrigued by Dave, in turn is already dating Rod, one of the big men on campus. Dave passes himself off to her as an Italian exchange student named Enrico Gismondi.

Beyond Katarina as he calls her, Dave’s main immediate focus is that the Italian cycling team have announced that they will be in Indianapolis for an upcoming race, which he intends to enter to be able to race his idols. After an incident at the race, Dave, with a little help from his parents and unwittingly by actions of his friends, has to reexamine his life, what he really wants to get out of it and how best to start achieving it.


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